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Artist's Statement - Mary Ann Matteson

Art has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. During the process of creating a painting, I am focused in a way that I am transported to another plane and lose myself in the work. For me the process is as important as the product. I am inspired by the beauty of aging faces that convey life's blessings and vicissitudes, high desert mountains and big sky of the Big Bend region of Texas, and old buildings that have stood the test of time to various degrees.

I am attracted to oils and pastels because the media can be blended and reworked. At times I am frustrated because the paint isn't doing what I imagine, but my mentor and inspiration, the late San Antonio artist, Alberto Mijangos used to say, "Destroy it with love!" when the painting wasn't going well. I have followed his advice and find that destroying the painting and starting fresh makes for a better product.

Portrait of Mary Ann Matteson by Deborah Allison, Grapevine, TX

Portrait of Mary Ann by Deborah Allison, Grapevine, TX